Friends and Community
In this age of high tech communication, cell
phones, email, and instant message often replace the great feeling
of an eye-to-eye hearty
conversation. The Book Club Game is a tool that brings a Grand
Conversation back through the sharing of literature. Friends,
neighbors, and community members discover the depth of novels, uncover
messages of stories, and reveal their own ideas, experiences,
and reactions as they move through the story and their own lives
this game. Comprehension, communication, and a genuine love for
reading are all results of friends coming together to play The
Book Club Game.
Libraries are a natural place for community book
clubs. Parent and child patrons sign up to read the “book of
the month” before The Book Club Event.
Book Club Game Book Lists are made
available near a flyer announcing the details of the Book Club Game
Meeting. The lists provide a great resource for parents and children
to use in checking out great books and are an integral part of the
game. On the event day games are available for groups of four to
play while they savor the book read, build comprehension, develop
communication skills and become aware of many more books they may
like to discover. They can highlight those titles on their own book lists.
Participants are given The
Book Club Game Question Bookmarks with
a sampling of the game's generic questions to guide future
reading in a meaningful way. High school students earning community
points as well as senior volunteers may come and learn the game and
run the program for future dates.
Our Book Club: Families, Friends and Classmates
Neighborhood Book Clubs
Neighborhood book clubs offer a
great way to meet and get to know neighbors while promoting reading.
Neighbors get in groups of four to decide on books to read. These
groups can be a mixture of children and adults or one or the other.
A date is set to finish the book by and a meeting place is determined.
Alternating homes where the host sets up the discussion table with
prompts and food from the story is one fun way to meet to play
the game. (ideas for enhancing the meetings are included in The Book
Club Game Extension Activity Booklet)
Book and Educational Stores
and Educational Stores provide a great venue for holding Book Clubs.
Copies of the books
to be read for the event are made available on a stand in advance
with an announcement of the event. The games can also be made available
for purchase. On the event day participants (adults and children)
come and play the game, discussing the book, as they learn about
other perspectives, more books to read, how to build their comprehension,
and the true joy of reading. Book lists from The Book Club Game
book list Pads and Question Bookmarks can be given out. The books
on the book lists
can be made available on a given shelf so that players can visit
them after they have marked their lists to buy the books that interested
them when mentioned in the game. The questions will guide parents
and students into the deep thinking connectors that make reading
so meaningful.
Community Centers, Recreational Centers, Synagogues, & Churches
The Book Club Game is a great catalyst in uniting community members
through reading.
The Book Club Game as a focus tool for
their meetings.
As the game guides discussion and the savoring
of the story it also facilitates the savoring of each person’s
week as it relates to the story. The relevance of reading becomes
appreciated as each participant uncovers the personal connections,
messages, and purposes of each story read. The communication
that takes place facilitates respect for differences, appreciation
similarities, enlightening self-discovery as well as the exciting
journey of learning about others.