Game's Uses and Highlights
Book Club Game is intended for all children, young adults, teachers,
parents, family members, friends, psychologists, counselors and all
those working on motivating reading, developing comprehension and promoting
communication. It has been used as an independent program as well as
a supplemental program to another curriculum. It is a perfect tool
for GATE children as it demands listening and acknowledging other’s
viewpoints while allowing them to share their own. For remedial readers
it livens up often tedious and repetitive curriculums with meaningful
and exciting activities that can be centered around small “book
club” groups reading high-interest low readability books. It
can even be used with the very stories that are a part of an already
existing program.
Among some of the highlights of using The Book Club Game in a variety
of settings include shy, whispering children becoming confident speakers,
vocal children who tune out to others becoming focused listeners able
to respond to what they hear, reluctant readers devouring books, parents
reading with and to their children, saddened or depressed children
or adults escaping into the joy of reading and warm discussion and
the enlightenment of literature, parents bonding with their kids and
other parents, teachers bonding with their students, improved test
scores in comprehension and reading levels, ADD children staying focused
and contributing on a high level to the game’s discussion, and
a genuine love for reading flourishing.