The book lists in The Book Club Game are a great resource for students,
parents, and teachers. They can be used to take to the library, bookstores,
and for teachers to stock their classroom libraries with.
The list is an important part of the game, serving as an answer
key for directional cards that give hints to particular books in
the game. For example one card reads: Go back two spaces to meet
a very smart spider and her adorable friend, Wilber. If none
of the players know the title they look on the book list at the number
that corresponds to the card and find Charlotte’s Web.
The book list piece of the game motivates the players to read its
books as they hear the excitement of the players who know the titles.
The more of the titles that the player knows the better he can answer
the hints.
These lists are by no means exhaustive, but do provide an excellent
starting place for parents and children. Most of the titles can be
found on the Accelerated Reading Program List, The California State
Recommended Book List, and many award winning lists. Additional lists
and cards are available to be used with the game including Picture
Books for All Ages, The Preschool Book List, The Intermediate School
Book List, and The High School Book List.
Click here for a list of the wonderful books that
are included in the "The Book Club Game."
If you have a favorite title that you would like to share please
email the title, author and a brief summary about it to